The GRE Graduate Record Exam is changing substantially starting in August 2011, and Barron's will be ready in early July with a thoroughly revised test prep manual that reflects the new exam content. New question types will appear in both the GRE's Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections, and the model tests in Barron's brand-new 19th edition reflect these changes: Verbal Reasoning — The Reading Comprehension Question will now consist of three types: Multiple-choice questions for which only one answer out of five choices is correct; additional multiple-choice questions in which one or more of three choices might be correct; and Select-In Passages which require test-takers to choose a sentence that accurately describes a reading passage. The GRE's Analytical Writing format will remain similar to past tests. Quantitative Reasoning — This section presents multiple choice questions for which only one out of five possible answers is correct; additional multiple-choice questions asking test-takers to select one or more correct answers from a list of several choices; and all-new Quantitative Comparison Questions. Barron's new GRE manual offers intensive practice and review for all question types plus a diagnostic test and two full-length model GREs with answer keys and explanations for all answers. The authors also present a test overview and suggested test-taking tactics.
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