Cambridge University Press
British or American English?
Cambridge University Press
Автор: Algeo John Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2009 |
PDF, 364 страницы, 10.92 МБ
Speakers of British and American English display some striking differences in their use of grammar. In this detailed survey, John Algeo considers questions such as: Who lives on a street, and who lives in a street? Who takes a bath, and who has a bath? Who says Neither do I, and who says Nor do I? After 'thank you', who says Not at all and who says You're welcome? Whose team are on the ball, and whose team isn'te Containing extensive quotations from real-life English on both sides of the Atlantic, collected over the past twenty years, this is a clear and highly organized guide to the differences — and the similarities — between the grammar of British and American speakers. Written for those with no prior knowledge of linguistics, it shows how these grammatical differences are linked mainly to particular words, and provides an accessible account of contemporary English in use.
17 апреля 2013
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The Cambridge History of Russian Literature
Cambridge University Press
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 1992 |
PDF, 720 страниц, 21.60 МБ
An updated edition of this comprehensive narrative history, first published in 1989, incorporating a new chapter on the latest developments in Russian literature and additional bibliographical information. The individual chapters are by well-known specialists, and provide chronological coverage from the medieval period on, giving particular attention to the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and including extensive discussion of works written outside the Soviet Union. The book is accessible to students and non-specialists, as well as to scholars of literature, and provides a wealth of information.
28 июля 2009
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Words of the World: A Global History of the Oxford English Dictionary
Cambridge University Press
Автор: Ogilvie Sarah Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2012 |
PDF, 256 страниц, 7.68 МБ
Most people think of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) as a distinctly British product. Begun in England one hundred and fifty years ago, it took over sixty years to complete and when it was finally finished in 1928 the British Prime Minister heralded it as a 'national treasure.' This book shows that the dictionary is not as 'British' as we all thought. The linguist and lexicographer, Sarah Ogilvie, combines her insider knowledge and experience with impeccable research to show rather that the OED is an international product in both its content and its making. She examines the policies and practices of the various editors, applies qualitative and quantitative analysis, and finds new OED archival materials in the form of letters, reports and proofs. She demonstrates that the OED, in its use of readers from all over the world and its coverage of World English, was in fact a global text.
28 марта 2015
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Vortex Dynamics
Cambridge University Press
Автор: Saffman P.G. Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 1995 |
DOC, 328 страниц, 1.00 МБ
The discovery of coherent structures in turbulence has fostered the hope that the study of vortices will lead to models and an understanding of turbulent flow, thereby solving or at least making less mysterious one of the great unresolved problems of classical physics. Vortex dynamics is a natural paradigm for the field of chaotic motion and modern dynamical system theory. The emphasis in this monograph is on the classical theory of inviscid incompressible fluids containing finite regions of vorticity. The effects of viscosity, compressiblity, inhomogeneity, and stratification are enormously important in many fields of application, from hypersonic flight to global environmental fluid mechanics. However, this volume focuses on those aspects of fluid motion that are primarily controlled by the vorticity and are such that the effects of the other fluid properties are secondary. This book will be of interest to students of fluid mechanics, turbulence, and vortex methods as well as to applied mathematicians and engineers.
26 февраля 2009
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What is Life?
Cambridge University Press
Автор: Schrodinger Erwin Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2012 |
PDF, 192 страницы, 5.76 МБ
Nobel laureate Erwin Schrodinger's What is Life? is one of the great science classics of the twentieth century. It was written for the layman, but proved to be one of the spurs to the birth of molecular biology and the subsequent discovery of DNA. What is Life? appears here together with Mind and Matter, his essay investigating a relationship which has eluded and puzzled philosophers since the earliest times. Brought together with these two classics are Schrodinger's autobiographical sketches, which offer a fascinating account of his life as a background to his scientific writings.
16 мая 2015
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Word Order
Cambridge University Press
Автор: Jae Jung Song Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2012 |
PDF, 364 страницы, 10.92 МБ
Word order is one of the major properties on which languages are compared and its study is fundamental to linguistics. This comprehensive survey provides an up-to-date, critical overview of this widely debated topic, exploring and evaluating word order research carried out in four major theoretical frameworks — linguistic typology, generative grammar, optimality theory and processing-based theories. It is the first book to bring these theoretical approaches together in one place and is therefore a one-stop resource covering the current developments in word order research. It explains word order patterns in different languages and at different structural levels and critically evaluates (and where possible, compares) the theoretical assumptions and word order principles used in the different approaches. Also highlighted are issues and problems that require further investigation or remain unresolved. This book will be invaluable to those investigating word order, and researchers and students in syntax, linguistic theory and typology.
19 февраля 2014
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Words at Work and Play: Three Decades in Family and Community Life
Cambridge University Press
Автор: Shirley Brice Heath Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2012 |
PDF, 240 страниц, 7.20 МБ
Childhood and family life have changed significantly in recent decades. What is the nature of these changes? How have they affected the use of time, space, work and play? In what ways have they influenced face-to-face talk and the uses of technology within families and communities? Eminent anthropologist Shirley Brice Heath sets out to find answers to these and similar questions, tracking the lives of 300 black and white working-class families as they reshaped their lives in new locations, occupations and interpersonal alignments over a period of thirty years. From the 1981 recession through the economic instabilities and technological developments of the opening decade of the twenty-first century, Shirley Brice Heath shows how families constantly rearrange their patterns of work, language, play and learning in response to economic pressures. This outstanding study is a must-read for anyone interested in family life, language development and social change.
23 декабря 2014
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Variation in an English Dialect
Cambridge University Press
Автор: Cheshire Jenny Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2009 |
PDF, 156 страниц, 4.68 МБ
Dr Cheshire's fieldwork concentrates on phonological variation in spontaneous everyday conversation. She interviews a group of non-standard English speakers living in Reading, Berkshire. Her data provides a basis for a perceptive analysis of variation in contemporary English and of the nature and function of variation in general. She specifically focuses on morphological and syntactic variation, and thus also provides a valid description between standard English and a variety used by working-class speakers, which will interest not only linguists including sociolinguists and dialectologists, but many workers in education. Linguistic and social constraints on variation are established, and the analysis also demonstrates how speakers are able to exploit the resources of the language system to convey social meaning. The data Dr Cheshire has collected are in themselves an important contribution to the study of language in its social context, whilst the analysis has significant theoretical implications for diachronic and synchronic linguistics.
21 июля 2010
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Voices from the Language Classroom
Cambridge University Press
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 1996 |
PDF, 484 страницы, 14.52 МБ
This text is about what really happens in language classrooms. This paperback edition is about what really happens in language classrooms, both those in which language is the topic of instruction and those where it functions primarily as the medium of instruction. In this collection of 19 original papers, the authors utilize a variety of research methods, with an emphasis on the collection and analysis of data. Chapters investigate such issues as language-related anxiety, curriculum renewal, classroom interaction, teachers' on-line decision-making, and sociopolitical concerns affecting life in schools.
13 декабря 2009
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The VAT in Developing and Transitional Countries
Cambridge University Press
Автор: Bird Richard Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2011 |
DjVu, 278 страниц, 11.12 МБ
Value-added tax (VAT) now dominates tax systems around the world. But should every country have a VAT? Is the current VAT always as good as it could be in economic, equity, and administrative terms? In developing and transitional countries the answers to such questions are critical to stability, growth, and development. But can VAT be better designed and better administered? These are the key questions that must be answered in designing and implementing VAT. But different tax designs may better suit different countries facing different circumstances. This book reviews experiences with VATs around the world and assesses how the choice of particular design features may affect outcomes in particular contexts.
07 апреля 2015
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Using French Vocabulary
Cambridge University Press
Автор: Jean H. Duffy Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 1999 |
PDF, 484 страницы, 14.52 МБ
This textbook provides a comprehensive and structured vocabulary for all levels of undergraduate French courses, including relevant higher and further education courses. It offers a broad coverage of concrete and abstract vocabulary relating to the physical, cultural, social, commercial and political environment, as well as exposure to commonly encountered technical terminology. Within each section, words and phrases have been grouped into manageable, assimilable units and broadly 'graded' according to likely usefulness and difficulty. The accompanying exercises for private study and classroom use are designed to reinforce the work done on lists, to develop good dictionary use, to encourage independent and collaborative learning, to promote precision and awareness of nuance and register, and to offer the opportunity for the development of cognate transferable skills, such as communicative competence, teamwork and problem-solving. The division of the book into twenty thematic sections allows it to be easily integrated into a modular course structure.
14 августа 2009
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Using German Synonyms
Cambridge University Press
Автор: Durrell Martin Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2009 |
PDF, 348 страниц, 10.44 МБ
This book, designed for students who have already developed a basic competence in German, aims to broaden and improve their vocabulary by providing detailed information on groups of German words with related meanings. It is invaluable as a guide to finding the right word for the context. In order to enhance understanding of the structure of the German vocabulary, groups of synonyms are organised under German (rather than English) headwords. All entries are accompanied by an example of usage and English glosses and there are two indexes allowing users quickly to locate words in German or English. The book takes full account of register variation, indicating the degree of formal or informal use, and reflects regional usage especially in Austria and Switzerland. It is an essential reference for intermediate and advanced students as well as teachers and other professional linguists seeking access to the finer nuances of the German language.
19 февраля 2011
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Using Chinese Synonyms
Cambridge University Press
Автор: Grace Qiao Zhang Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2010 |
PDF, 446 страниц, 13.38 МБ
Using Chinese Synonyms is an essential reference book, specifically designed for non-native speakers of Chinese, and for teachers and other language professionals who want a user-friendly guide to the finer nuances of Chinese synonyms. It contains approximately 1700 synonyms in 316 groups. With the particular needs of non-native speakers of Chinese in mind, this invaluable book selects and explains words and phrases in everyday use, allowing students to enhance their knowledge of one of the most important and widely-spoken languages in the world. This book assists in the development of fluent, spontaneous and skilful use of Chinese synonyms.
15 июня 2012
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Using French Synonyms
Cambridge University Press
Автор: Batchelor R.E. Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 1993 |
PDF, 603 страницы, 18.09 МБ
This new guide to French synonyms is the first to be produced specifically for English speaking students of French. Its aim is to enable them to develop, broaden, and enhance their awareness of the complexity and richness of French vocabulary by presenting, in an easily accessible form, information not readily available in traditional dictionaries. It contains a wide variety of material, including informal modes of expression as well as the formal, and practical vocabulary as well as literary language. The tabular layout is designed for maximum ease of reference, with English equivalents and sample French contexts for each French item. There are two indexes enabling the user quickly to locate any given French or English word.
21 июня 2009
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Unknown Ways: More Tales of Explorers, Pioneers and Travellers
Cambridge University Press
Автор: Reynolds E.E. Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2011 |
PDF, 126 страниц, 3.78 МБ
First published in 1940, E. E. Reynold's Unknown Ways is a collection of tales, intended for young readers, focusing on explorers, pioneers and travellers. Similar to Mr Reynold's book Behind the Ranges, this volume presents episodes from the lives of ten different historical figures, including Sir Martin Frobisher, Sven Hedin, Mary Kingsley, and Alexander Selkirk. Although the writing reflects some of the cultural and ethnocentric biases of its time, this book remains an interesting example of popular educational texts for children from the first half of the twentieth century.
18 мая 2014
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Unity with Diversity in the European Economy
Cambridge University Press
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2011 |
PDF, 396 страниц, 11.88 МБ
The enlargement that encompassed the accession of greece in 1981 and of Spain and Portugal in 1986 significantly altered the balance of the European Community, while the double shock of EC membership and 1992 could drive the economies of the new members into depression or, equally, accelerate their modernization. This important new book from the Centre for Economic Policy Research examines theoretical issues in the integration of a diverse economic region and the combined impact of EC membership, financial integration and the single market programme on the joining countries. Christopher Bliss examines theoretical and practical obstacles facing ED-wide mechanisms to encourage investment and growth in poorer regions. Paul Krugman and Anthony Venables analyse the ambiguous effects of EC membership and of trade liberalization on output and employment in peripheral regions. Alasdair Smith studies enlargement, the single market and external trade policy in the EC's largest manufacturing sector, the car industry. William Branson examines the constraints placed on national macroeconomic policies by rapid monetary and financial integration and implications for EC-wide fiscal institutions. Paul Krugman presents a general framework for analysing the macroeconomic policy dilemmas faced by the joining countries. Louka Katseli, Jose Vinals and Jorge Braga de Macedo assess the opportunities and challenges facing the Greek, Spanish and Portuguese economics. They draw on an extensive body of work produced by three teams of researchers under their leadership. There is also an introduction by the editors and a foreword by Michael Emerson and Richard Portes.
11 июля 2012
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The University Pitt Club 1835-1935
Cambridge University Press
Автор: Walter Morley Fletcher Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2011 |
PDF, 132 страницы, 3.96 МБ
Originally published in 1935, this volume marks the centenary of the University Pitt Club at Cambridge. It provides a concise history of the Pitt Club, beginning with its foundation as a Tory dining club to honour William Pitt and then moving through the key events of the next hundred years. Illustrative figures are also provided, including a floor plan of the Club Rooms on Jesus Lane, together with a list of Officers and Committees. This is a fascinating book that will be of value to anyone with an interest in the development of the Pitt Club and the history of Cambridge University.
26 марта 2014
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Understanding Labor and Employment Law in China
Cambridge University Press
Автор: Ronald C. Brown Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2011 |
PDF, 350 страниц, 10.50 МБ
Continued economic prosperity in China and its international competitive advantage have been due in large part to the labor of workers in China, who for many years toiled in under-regulated workplaces. Now, there are labor law reforms raising the rights and standards of workers throughout China. These laws have been praised for their progressive measures and at the same time blamed for placing too many economic burdens on companies, especially those operating on the margins and those that have caused business failures. This, combined with the recent global downturn and the millions of displaced and unemployed Chinese migrant laborers, has created ongoing debate about the new labor laws. This book provides a clear overview of labor and employment law environment in China and its legal requirements, as well as practices under these laws used to deal with growing labor issues. Never has there been a time when understanding China's labor and employment laws is more important.
22 марта 2014
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Underlying Representations
Cambridge University Press
Автор: Kramer Martin Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2012 |
PDF, 276 страниц, 8.28 МБ
At the heart of generative phonology lies the assumption that the sounds of every language have abstract underlying representations, which undergo various changes in order to generate the 'surface' representations, that is, the sounds we actually pronounce. The existence, status and form of underlying representations have been hotly debated in phonological research since the introduction of the phoneme in the nineteenth century. This book provides a comprehensive overview of theories of the mental representation of the sounds of language. How does the mind store and process phonological representations? Kramer surveys the development of the concept of underlying representation over the last 100 years or so within the field of generative phonology. He considers phonological patterns, psycho-linguistic experiments, statistical generalisations over data corpora and phenomena such as hypercorrection. The book offers a new understanding of contrastive features and proposes a modification of the optimality-theoretic approach to the generation of underlying representations.
7 декабря 2014
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The Two Cultures
Cambridge University Press
Автор: Snow C.P. Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2014 |
PDF, 179 страниц, 5.37 МБ
The notion that our society, its education system and its intellectual life, is characterised by a split between two cultures — the arts or humanities on one hand, and the sciences on the other — has a long history. But it was C. P. Snow's Rede lecture of 1959 that brought it to prominence and began a public debate that is still raging in the media today. This 50th anniversary printing of The Two Cultures and its successor piece, A Second Look (in which Snow responded to the controversy four years later) features an introduction by Stefan Collini, charting the history and context of the debate, its implications and its afterlife. The importance of science and technology in policy run largely by non-scientists, the future for education and research, and the problem of fragmentation threatening hopes for a common culture are just some of the subjects discussed.
16 февраля 2016
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