Все книги издательства «HarperCollins Publishers»
The Monkey Puppet
HarperCollins Publishers
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers |
PDF, 48 страниц, 1.44 МБ
There’s something different about Mark, the new boy. It’s not just that he only speaks through a monkey glove puppet. Soon Daniel finds out that his new friend is in trouble – but can he help him in time? • Sapphire/Band 16 books offer longer reads to develop children's sustained engagement with texts and are more complex syntactically. •Storycards of the key events on pages 54 and 55 help children to recap what has happened. • Text type: A mystery story. • Curriculum links: Citizenship: Taking part — developing skills of communication and participation, Moving on. • This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
24 августа 2009
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Michael Rosen: All About Me
HarperCollins Publishers
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers |
PDF, 192 страницы, 5.76 МБ
What's it like to be a writer, radio presenter and performer? Read all about Michael Rosen's life and find out what he was like as a boy, what he got up to at school and how he became a famous poet in this fascinating autobiography. * Sapphire/Band 16 books books offer longer reads to develop children's sustained engagement with texts and are more complex syntactically. * Text type: An autobiography. * The timeline on pages 54-55 track the major events of Michael Rosen's life that led to him becoming a successful writer. * Additional information retrieval devices such as a glossary and index can be evaluated for their usefulness as children develop critical reading skills * Curriculum links: History: What we can learn about recent history from studying the life of a famous person. * This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
15 сентября 2009
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The Big Bang
HarperCollins Publishers
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers |
PDF, 192 страницы, 5.76 МБ
What was the Big Bang? What was the Universe like just after the Big Bang? Who discovered the Big Bang? Stunning photographs and detailed information help to explain the answers to these and many other questions in this fascinating non-fiction information book about the Big Bang theory written by award-winning author, Andrew Solway. * Sapphire/Band 16 books offer longer reads to develop children's sustained engagement with texts and are more complex syntactically. * Text type: A non-fiction book. * This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
15 сентября 2009
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The Golden Turtle and Other Tales
HarperCollins Publishers
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers |
PDF, 56 страниц, 1.68 МБ
Three folk tales from around the world retold by the wonderful storyteller Gervase Phinn. In the first, a golden turtle offers a kindly fisherman riches beyond his wildest dreams. In the secod, Amparo’s daughter looks sweet, but when she’s determined to do something nothing gets in her way. In the third, a naughty leprechaun gets a big shock! • Sapphire/Band 16 books offer longer reads to develop children's sustained engagement with texts and are more complex syntactically. • A ‘wanted’ poster on pages 54 and 55 for the leprechaun in the last story helps children to recap all the naughty things he did. • Text type: Three stories from other cultures. • This book is paired with The Ultimate World Quiz, a non-fiction information book full of facts about our planet. • Curriculum links: Geography: Passport to the world; Citizenship: Choices, Living in a diverse world. • This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
7 октрября 2009
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The Hedgehog Mystery
HarperCollins Publishers
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers |
PDF, 320 страниц, 9.60 МБ
No one has a gran like Ellie and Morris. Gran has red hair, a leather jacket, and she's part of a motorbike gang. When Gran's lodger disappears with her motorbike, Ellie and Morris decide to take matters into their own hands. Find out what happens in this hilarious mystery, written by Carnegie nominee, Ally Kennen and illustrated by Mark Beech. * Sapphire/Band 16 books offer longer reads to develop children's sustained engagement with texts and are more complex syntactically. * Text type: A mystery story.
17 августа 2009
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The Leopard Poachers
HarperCollins Publishers
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers |
PDF, 992 страницы, 29.76 МБ
High in the Arabian mountains, Ali and Sameer gaze in wonder at a leopard. When the leopard roars with pain after being shot Sameer and Ali flee, terrified that they will fall victim to the leopard poachers. With stunning illustrations, readers follow Ali and Sameer as they escape in this action-filled adventure story written by Kathy Hoopmann. * Sapphire/Band 16 books offer longer reads to develop children's sustained engagement with texts and are more complex syntactically. * Text type: A story from another culture. * This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
25 мая 2009
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Great Greek Myths
HarperCollins Publishers
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers |
PDF, 48 страниц, 1.44 МБ
Heroes and monsters; gods and goddesses; adventure and excitement: all are to be found in this book, which contains four well-known myths and legends from Ancient Greece told in an accessible style. Find out how Theseus killed the minotaur, how Daedelus escaped from the maze and why Herakles longed for a rest! * Sapphire/Band 16 books offer longer reads to develop children's sustained engagement with texts and are more complex syntactically. * A humorous magazine interview with Herakles on pages 54 and 55 help children to recap the myth of The Labours of Herakles and examine how another text type might represent the material. * Text type: Three traditional tales. * Curriculum links: History: Who were the Ancient Greeks? How do we use Ancient Greek ideas today? * This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
24 августа 2009
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How to be an Ancient Greek in 25 Easy Stages
HarperCollins Publishers
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers |
PDF, 56 страниц, 1.68 МБ
A quirky insight into how to live like an Ancient Greek – in twenty-five easy stages. • Sapphire/Band 16 books books offer longer reads to develop children's sustained engagement with texts and are more complex syntactically. • Text type: An information book. • Curriculum links: History: Who were the Ancient Greeks; How do we use Ancient Greek ideas today? • This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
7 октрября 2009
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Life Cycles
HarperCollins Publishers
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers |
PDF, 16 страниц, 0.48 МБ
Explore the fascinating life cycle of the salmon, from river life to the big oceans and back to where they hatched, in this highly photographic information book by Sally Morgan. Follow the fish from their very early stages through their journey to adulthood, and find out how other creatures' journeys through life compare. * Sapphire/Band 16 books offer longer reads to develop children's sustained engagement with texts and are more complex syntactically. * An information book * An illustrated life cycle of salmon on pages 54 and 55 help readers to recap the stages of the life cycles that are shown in the book. * Curriculum Links: Science: Life Cycles. * This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
19 апреля 2009
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The Gargling Gorilla
HarperCollins Publishers
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers |
PDF, 112 страниц, 3.36 МБ
Brave Tim agrees to look after Rosa's pets. He isn't afraid of vultures or wolfhounds, or even giant rabbits. But he isn't so sure about the gorilla, gargling in the kitchen! A comic story with a familiar setting, from Margaret Mahy. * Ruby/Band 14 books give increasing opportunities for children to develop their skills of inference and deduction. * Text type — Story with a familiar setting. * The reader response page consists of a story map to encourage children to retell the story in their own words. * Curriculum links — Citizenship: Animals and us; Music: Animal magic, exploring descriptive sounds. * This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
03 августа 2009
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Tiddalick the Thirsty Frog
HarperCollins Publishers
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers |
PDF, 24 страницы, 0.72 МБ
Tiddalick was the biggest frog in the entire world, but his thirst was even bigger! One day, he was so thirsty that he drank up all the water in the land. Can the animals work out a way to make greedy Tiddalick give them back the water? Find out in this play based on an Australian Aboriginal story. • Ruby/Band 14 books give increasing opportunities for children to develop their skills of inference and deduction. • Text type — A play based on an Australian Aboriginal Story. • Curriculum links — Science: Solids, liquids and how they can be separated. • This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
28 мая 2009
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Where Do You Live?
HarperCollins Publishers
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers |
PDF, 48 страниц, 1.44 МБ
Meet children who live on islands all over the world in this non-fiction book. They tell us how they live, what they do and what it’s like in their different communitites. Photographs dramatically capture the beauty of varied landscapes. • Ruby/Band 14 books give increasing opportunities for children to develop their skills of inference and deduction. •Text type — A non fiction recount. • A chart on pages 46-47 summarises information about each child and could act as a model for further research. • Curriculum Links — Geography: Knowledge and understanding of places: Describe and identify what places are like and where places are. • This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
24 августа 2009
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HarperCollins Publishers
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers |
PDF, 48 страниц, 1.44 МБ
This adventure story recounts the first round-world voyage of Tudor explorer Sir Francis Drake through the eyes of Dickon, a lame stowaway, who goes on to become Drake's cabin boy and personal hero. Readers learn about the harsh life that sailors in Tudor times experienced as they coped with storms, mutinies and illness on board ship. • Ruby/Band 14 books give increasing opportunities for children to develop their skills of inference and deduction. • Text type — An adventure story. • Provides lots of opportunities for drama and writing activities. This title is paired with: How to be a Tudor in 20 easy stages, an information book that can be used to locate factual information about Tudor explorers and the Armada. • Curriculum links — History: What were the effects of Tudor exploration? • This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
24 августа 2009
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The Billy Goats Tough
HarperCollins Publishers
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers |
PDF, 3.36 МБ
Find out how a female vampire, a hairy Troll having a bad hair day, a Super Billy-Goat who is a super pain, and a seriously weird commercial break, all find their way into this twist on a fairytale! * Ruby/Band 14 books give increasing opportunities for children to develop their skills of inference and deduction. * Text type — A play based on a modern fairytale. * Curriculum links — Citizenship: Choices. * This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
7 декабря 2009
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The Footballing Frog
HarperCollins Publishers
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers |
PDF, 80 страниц, 2.40 МБ
A twist on traditional tales of frogs and three wishes, this story features a modern day prince, who loves football. Unfortunately he looses his football to frog, who demands a kiss as redemption. Of course the frog metamorphoses into a princess, who shares his love of football. * Ruby/Band 14 books give increasing opportunities for children to develop their skills of inference and deduction. * Text type — Humorous fantasy. * Pages 46 and 47 give an exclusive interview with the newly-wed couple for 'Hot' magazine, providing lots of opportunities for speaking, listening and writing. * Curriculum Links — Citizenship: choices. * This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
14 марта 2009
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Oceans Alive
HarperCollins Publishers
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers |
PDF, 48 страниц, 1.44 МБ
This stunning non-fiction book presents the underwater world and why we must protect this special place. There are simple descriptions of food chains, bizarre ways in which deep creatures support each other and ecosystems. Threats to marine life as well as conservation efforts are described in detail. • Ruby/Band 14 books give increasing opportunities for children to develop their skills of inference and deduction. • Text type — An information book. • There is a useful glossary and index on page 44 and a sample poster on page 47, designed to persuade us to 'Save our Oceans'. • Curriculum links — PSHE and citizenship:Preparing to play an active role as citizens; to research, discuss and debate topical issues, problems and events.
24 августа 2009
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Short Pants
HarperCollins Publishers
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers |
PDF, 24 страницы, 0.72 МБ
The spring fair is an exciting event for any family – with traditional games, rides, stall and competitions. This year, the farmer has a problem. Find out what happens when everyone tries to help – will it be a case of 'too many cooks…'?! • Ruby/Band 14 books give increasing opportunities for children to develop their skills of inference and deduction. • Text type — A play based on a traditional folktale. • Curriculum links — Mathematics: Measures, shape and space. • This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
28 мая 2009
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Sophie’s Rules
HarperCollins Publishers
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers |
PDF, 72 страницы, 2.16 МБ
Dana has started her new school and is keen to meet new friends, but Sophie isn't making it easy for her. When Dana decides to stand up to Sophie and her gang, everything changes. Written by Keith West and accompanied with detailed illustrations of the characters, this play sensitively tackles the serious issue of bullying in the classroom. * Emerald/Band 15 books provide a widening range of genres including science fiction and biography, prompting more ways to respond to texts. * Text type: A playscript. * This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
19 февраля 2009
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How to be a Roman in 21 Easy Stages
HarperCollins Publishers
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers |
PDF, 48 страниц, 1.44 МБ
So you want to be a Roman? Here is everything you need to know – in 20 easy stages. From the battle ground to building roads – find out the REAL facts to Roman living in this humorous non-fiction information book from Scoular Anderson. • Ruby/Band 14 books give increasing opportunities for children to develop their skills of inference and deduction. • Text type: An information book. • A gallery of the things the Romans did that changed the way we live on pages 46-47 enables children to recap the main features left over from Roman times. • Additional information retrieval devices such as a glossary and index can be evaluated for their usefulness as children develop critical reading skills. • Curriculum links: History: Whay have people invaded and settled in Britain in the past — a Roman case study. • This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
24 августа 2009
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