Collins Primary Dictionaries — Collins Primary Illustrated Spanish Dictionary
Collins Primary Dictionaries — Collins Primary Illustrated Spanish Dictionary
HarperCollins Publishers
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 2015 |
DOC, 640 страниц, 1.00 МБ
An ideal primary school dictionary of Spanish for kids, developed to help improve Spanish language skills at home and in the classroom. Specifically designed to meet the needs of children aged 7-11 learning Spanish at primary school or at home, this easy-to-use, colorful dictionary provides the perfect reference for the new curriculum with detailed coverage of core English and Spanish vocabulary. Themed pages, fun illustrations, and simple examples help children to remember words and translations. Core English and Spanish vocabulary is given thorough coverage and key phrases are highlighted, offering all the support needed for children to study the new curriculum.
23 августа 2017
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