Kawasaki Guy
Art of the Start 2: 0. The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything
Penguin Group
Автор: Kawasaki Guy Издательство: Penguin Group, 2015 |
PDF, 336 страниц, 10.08 МБ
Fully revised and updated for the first time in a decade — Guy Kawasaki's iconic, bestselling guide for startups of all kinds. Now featuring the latest wisdom about social media and many other topics. A new product, a new service, a new company, a new division, a new organization, a new anything-where there's a will, here's the way. Whether you are an entrepreneur, intrapreneur, or not-for-profit leader, there's no shortage of advice on topics such as writing a business plan, recruiting, raising capital, and branding. In fact, there are so many books, articles and websites that many startups get bogged down to the point of paralysis. Or they focus on the wrong priorities and face bankruptcy before they discover their mistakes. The Art of the Start solves that problem by distilling Guy Kawasaki's two decades of experience as one of the most original and irreverent strategists in the business world. At Apple in the 1980s, he helped lead one of the great companies of the century, turning ordinary consumers into evangelists. As founder and CEO of a venture capital firm, he has field-tested his ideas with dozens of newly hatched companies. And since 2004, The Art of the Start has advised thousands of people who are making their startup dreams real. From raising money to hiring the right people, from defining your positioning to creating a brand, this book will guide you through an adventure that's more art than science — the art of the start.
19 февраля 2017
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