Oxford Team! is an exciting new three-level English course for younger students by Norman Whitney. The key features of the Workbook are: • further practice of the communication points introduced in the Student's Book. • two pages of grammar practice in each unit. • further practice of the vocabulary presented in the Student's Book. • reading texts on a wide variety of up-to-date topics. • further practice in writing, including plenty of preparation. • Progress Check section at the end of every unit. • regular and thorough revision work after every four units, corresponding to the revision section in the Student's Book. • Wordlist with phonetic transcription to assist with pronunciation. Each level of Oxford Team! consists of: • Student's Book. • Workbook. • Teacher's Book (including tests). • Class cassettes.
Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, имеют ряд ограничений на скачивание книг. После регистрации будут доступны все ссылки для скачивания, а также скрыта реклама на сайте.
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