HarperCollins Publishers
Автор: Patrick Cat Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 2011 |
PDF, 288 страниц, 8.64 МБ
With the intrigue of Memento and the romance of The Time-Traveller's Wife, Forgotten is the perfect YA novel. Here's the thing about me: I can see my future, but my past is a blank. I remember what I'll wear tomorrow, but not what I ate for dinner last night. I get by with the help of notes, my mom and my best friend Jamie, and the system works... Until now. Everything's falling apart. Jamie's going of the rails. My mom is lying to me. And I can't see the boy I love in my future... Forgotten is the story of a girl for whom yesterday is lost, today is an adventure, and tomorrow is a memory. This is an unforgettable read.
14 августа 2013
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