Все книги издательства «Random House, Inc.»
Onkel Wanja kommt: Eine Reise durch die Nacht
Random House, Inc.
Автор: Kaminer Wladimir Издательство: Random House, Inc., 2014 |
DjVu, 190 страниц, 7.60 МБ
Onkel Wanja sieht sein letztes Stündlein herannahen, und er wünscht sich von seinem Neffen Wladimir nur noch eines: Bevor ich sterbe, möchte ich noch einmal die Welt bereisen. Vielleicht nicht die ganze Welt, vielleicht nur Europa oder gar nur Deutschland. Und auch dort nur Berlin. Kurzum, schicke mir bitte eine Einladung. Gesagt, getan. Als Onkel Wanja in Berlin eintrifft, machen sich die beiden zu Fuß auf den Weg zu Wladimir nach Hause. Es ist ein Spaziergang durch die nächtliche Stadt voller eigentümlicher Begegnungen und unvergesslicher Betrachtungen über das Leben. Was ist gut, was böse? Was bleibt irgendwann von uns? Warum leuchtet die Hose des Onkels im Dunkeln? Und wo gibt es eigentlich die besten Matjes?
14 февраля 2016
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Die Rckkehr Der Templerin
Random House, Inc.
Автор: Hohlbein Wolfgang Издательство: Random House, Inc., 2006 |
PDF, 516 страниц, 15.48 МБ
The third volume of the great Knights Templar tetralogy from Wolfgang Hohlbein The year 1179 in the Holy Land. In order to save her own life, Robin is once again compelled to take to the sword and fight for the cause of the Templars. With the army of the Crusaders in the process of disintegrating, she saves the life of Balduin, King of Jerusalem, and is the witness of a sinister murder. Suddenly she finds herself in the midst of a deadly intrigue. Press Wolfgang Hohlbein blends together the fabulous, the suspenseful, and the search for meaning to create a magical elixir. Die Welt A turbulent story with high levels of action and excitement. Mainpost The magician of fantasy literature. Die Welt Exciting and original. Brigitte Young Miss Author Wolfgang Hohlbein, born in 1953 in Weimar, has merited a large readership through the most varied genres thriller, horror, science fiction, and historical novel and is one of the most successful German authors overall.
21 июня 2008
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Sechs Jahre: Der Abschied von meiner Schwester
Random House, Inc.
Автор: Link Scharlotte Издательство: Random House, Inc., 2016 |
PDF, 319 страниц, 9.57 МБ
Auf eindringliche Weise berichtet Bestsellerautorin Charlotte Link von der Krankheit und dem Sterben ihrer Schwester Franziska. Es ist nicht nur das persönlichste Werk der Schriftstellerin, sondern auch die berührende Schilderung der jahrelang ständig präsenten Angst, einen über alles geliebten Menschen verlieren zu müssen. Charlotte Link beschreibt den Klinikalltag in Deutschland, das Zusammentreffen mit großartigen, engagierten Ärzten, aber auch mit solchen, deren Verhalten schaudern lässt und Angst macht. Und sie plädiert dafür, die Hoffnung nie aufzugeben — denn nur sie verleiht die Kraft zu kämpfen.
19 марта 2019
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Random House, Inc.
Автор: Herrmann Elisabeth Издательство: Random House, Inc., 2016 |
PDF, 446 страниц, 13.38 МБ
Ein Mord, eine geheimnisvolle junge Frau in Tel Aviv und Anwalt Joachim Vernau im Visier eines gnadenlosen Killers. Berlin, 2015. Anwalt Vernau erwacht im Krankenhaus und kann sich an nichts mehr erinnern. Dafür ist er der Held von Berlin: In einer U-Bahnstation hat er mehrere Männer in die Flucht geschlagen, die einen älteren Herrn bedrängt haben. Aber wer ist die junge Frau mit dem Davidstern, die seitdem durch seine Erinnerung geistert? Und was hat sie mit den schrecklichen Morden zu tun, die sich wenig später ereignen? Als Vernau der schönen Unbekannten zu nahe kommt, wendet sich das Blatt: plötzlich steht er unter Mordverdacht. In letzter Sekunde kann er das Land verlassen, sein Ziel: Tel Aviv. In der brodelnden Metropole am Mittelmeer sucht er nach dem einzigen Menschen, der ihn entlasten kann — und wird hinabgezogen in den Strudel eines vergessenen Verbrechens, das sich vor über dreißig Jahren in einem Kibbuz in Israel ereignet hat...
20 декабря 2018
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How to Teach Your Children Shakespeare
Прочие издания
Автор: Ludwig Ken Издательство: Random House, Inc., 2014 |
DOC, 368 страниц, 1.00 МБ
To know some Shakespeare provides a head start in life. In this book, acclaimed playwright Ken Ludwig provides the tools you need to instill an understanding, and a love, of Shakespeare's works in your children, and to have fun together along the way. Ken Ludwig devised his methods while teaching his own children, and his approach is friendly and easy to master. Beginning with memorizing short specific passages from Shakespeare's plays, this method then instills children with cultural references they will utilize for years to come.
11 июня 2016
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Women of Will
Прочие издания
Автор: Packer Tina Издательство: Random House, Inc., 2016 |
DjVu, 352 страницы, 14.08 МБ
«Women of Will» is a fierce and funny exploration of Shakespeare s understanding of the feminine. Tina Packer, one of our foremost Shakespeare experts, shows that Shakespeare began, in his early comedies, by writing women as shrews to be tamed or as sweet little things with no independence of thought. The women of the history plays are much more interesting, beginning with Joan of Arc. Then, with the extraordinary Juliet, there is a dramatic shift: suddenly Shakespeare's women have depth, motivation, and understanding of life more than equal to that of the men. As Shakespeare ceases to write women as predictable caricatures and starts writing them from the inside, his women become as dimensional, spirited, spiritual, active, and sexual as any of his male characters. Wondering if Shakespeare had fallen in love (Packer considers with whom, and what she may have been like), the author observes that from Juliet on, Shakespeare's characters demonstrate that when women and men are equal in status and passion, they can and do change the world.»
26 марта 2019
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Who Was William Shakespeare?
Прочие издания
Автор: Celeste Davidson Mannis Издательство: Random House, Inc., 2012 |
PDF, 112 страниц, 3.36 МБ
The beloved plays of Shakespeare are still produced everywhere, yet the life of the world's most famous playwright remains largely a mystery. Young Will left the town of Stratford to pursue theater in London, where his work eventually thrived and made him a famous and wealthy man. With black-and-white illustrations that include a diagram of the famous Globe theater, Celeste Davidson Mannis puts together the pieces of Shakespeare's life and work for young readers.
06 мая 2015
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Vogue Colors A to Z: A Fashion Coloring Book
Прочие издания
Автор: Steiker Valerie Издательство: Random House, Inc., 2016 |
PDF, 64 страницы, 1.92 МБ
In this first-ever coloring book from American Vogue, you are invited into a world of fashion fantasy. Twenty-six archival covers from 1912 to 1932, by ten celebrated illustrators living here and abroad, take you back to a more playful and whimsical moment of boas, bows, hats and headpieces, fans, pearls and gloves, and even some exotic wild animals. These glamorous years represent two decades of brilliant design and changes in dressing and accessories to embellish in your own way. Coloring book fans of all ages can try their hand on these imaginative, elegant, and lively drawings of women dressed for the task at hand, whether it is driving their own car, pruning morning glories in the garden, feeding a dragon, steering a gondola, hanging out in a crescent moon, or riding a peacock or zebra — side-saddle, of course. The Vogue woman as liberated, stylish, and always dressed for adventure.
10 сентября 2021
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Soul of the Age: A Biography of the Mind of William Shakespeare
Прочие издания
Автор: Bate Jonathan Издательство: Random House, Inc., 2010 |
PDF, 498 страниц, 14.94 МБ
One man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. In this illuminating, innovative biography, Jonathan Bate, one of today's most accomplished Shakespearean scholars, has found a fascinating new way to tell the story of the great dramatist. Using the Bard's own immortal list of a man's seven ages in As You Like It, Bate deduces the crucial events of Shakespeare's life and connects them to his world and work as never before. Here is the author as an infant, born into a world of plague and syphillis, diseases with which he became closely familiar; as a schoolboy, a position he portrayed in The Merry Wives of Windsor, in which a clever, cheeky lad named William learns Latin grammar; as a lover, married at eighteen to an older woman already pregnant, perhaps presaging Bassanio, who in The Merchant of Venice won a wife who could save him from financial ruin. Here, too, is Shakespeare as a soldier, writing Henry the Fifth's St. Crispin's Day speech, with a nod to his own monarch Elizabeth I's passionate addresses; as a justice, revealing his possible legal training in his precise use of the law in plays from Hamlet to Macbeth; and as a pantaloon, an early retiree because of, Bate postulates, either illness or a scandal. Finally, Shakespeare enters oblivion, with sonnets that suggest he actively sought immortality through his art and secretly helped shape his posthumous image more than anyone ever knew. Equal parts masterly detective story, brilliant literary analysis, and insightful world history, Soul of the Age is more than a superb new recounting of Shakespeare's experiences; it is a bold and entertaining work of scholarship and speculation, one that shifts from past to present, reality to the imagination, to reveal how this unsurpassed artist came to be.
03 августа 2012
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Faster, Faster, Little Red Train
Прочие издания
Автор: Blathwayt Benedict Издательство: Random House, Inc., 2004 |
PDF, 32 страницы, 0.96 МБ
Click, clack, clicketty-clack, whoo... ee! Disaster! The fast train to Pebblecombe has broken down. Everyone on the train wants to get to the fair and enjoy a great day out but now they're all stuck on the tracks. It is up to the Little Red Train and Duffy Driver to save the day. So the Little Red Train speeds up and is determined to get all the passengers to the fair on time. As Duffy remarks at the end of the journey, You're the Little Red Express now.
15 июня 2009
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Private Sydney
Прочие издания
Автор: Patterson James Издательство: Random House, Inc., 2005 |
PDF, 464 страницы, 13.92 МБ
Even for Private Investigations, the world's top detective agency, it's tough to find a man who doesn't exist... Craig Gisto has promised Eliza Moss that his elite team at Private Sydney will investigate the disappearance of her father. After all, as CEO of a high-profile research company, Eric Moss shouldn't be difficult to find. Except it's not just the man who's gone missing. Despite the most advanced technology at their disposal, they find every trace of him has vanished too. And they aren't the only ones on the hunt. Powerful figures want Moss to stay lost, while others just as ruthlessly want him found. Meanwhile, a routine background check becomes a frantic race to find a stolen baby and catch a brutal killer — a killer Private may well have sent straight to the victim's door...
25 мая 2008
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Kid Eternity
Прочие издания
Автор: Morrison Grant Издательство: Random House, Inc., 2015 |
PDF, 176 страниц, 5.28 МБ
He's neither dead nor alive. He's Kid Eternity, a teenager endowed with supernatural powers and the ability to bring back the dead — a gift from the powers above for being taken by death ahead of his time. Now the free-spirited Kid Eternity is back as an agent of Chaos, in a world that's just a bit too ordered for his taste. The Kid must free his partner, Mr Keeper, from indentured servitude in Hell before he can get on with his mission of undermining the forces of Order. Kid Eternity uses chaos magic to elevate humanity's existence, but this path to good intentions is paved with demons, death and madness... especially when his way is blocked by a sleazy evangelist and a stand-up comedian. Before this nightmarish excursion into the netherworld has ended, everyone will be swept away in a rush of insanity that sheds new light on good and evil, life and death.
12 марта 2018
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Surviving Ireland
Прочие издания
Автор: Tobin Colm Издательство: Random House, Inc., 2005 |
PDF, 256 страниц, 7.68 МБ
A brilliant and scathing book at Ireland by top comedy writer Colm Tobin. In Ireland, navel-gazing has become a national sport. If our TV panel shows aren't repeatedly raking over scandals from the past, they are horrifying us with portents of doom, stoking up fear about all the horrors and misfortunes that are surely only around the corner. In The Really, Really, Really Rough Guide to Ireland, comedian Colm Tobin unmasks the true essence of this mysterious mist-green land with its jagged teddy-bear outline, lurking guiltily to the Western edge of Europe. Are the Irish really the slick, upwardly-mobile, bright-young things of Europe with the skinny jeans and the unnecessary spectacles? Or are they the slack-jawed simpletons you see staring toothlessly out of postcards, patting their donkeys, patiently waiting for death? Irishness means more than merely holding a passport with a harp on it. Some say you can hear Irishness in the lonesome lilt of uileann pipes. That you can smell it in the farts of a billion Guinness drinkers. Look hard enough and you can see it winking back at you from the shimmering, oily thighs of Michael Flatley. But what is it, really? It's safe to say that Ireland is no longer just a physical place. Who are the Irish people now and where are they going? And who in the name of sweet Jesus is going to pay for it all?
24 июля 2009
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Lords and Ladies
Прочие издания
Автор: Pratchett Terry Издательство: Random House, Inc., 2013 |
PDF, 400 страниц, 12.00 МБ
The fairies are back, but this time they don't just want your teeth... Granny Weatherwax and her tiny coven are up against real elves. There's a full supporting cast of dwarfs, wizards, trolls, Morris dancers and one orangutan. It's Midsummer Night — no time for dreaming. And lots of hey-nonny-nonny and blood all over the place.
16 декабря 2015
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