Going for Gold is a two-level Intermediate and Upper Intermediate course designed to develop students' language skills and provide a gradual introduction to the requirements of the Cambridge FCE exam.The Upper Intermediate level is the perfect lead-in to First Certificate Gold. Going for Gold is also suitable for use with students wishing to sit the Cambridge Certificates in English Language Skills (CELS). Going for Gold checklist: — Coursebook Enjoyable and contemporary topics. Thorough language and skills training. Motivating practice activities with a strong emphasis on personalisation. Graded introduction to Cambridge exam style tasks. Regular opportunities for reviewing and testing. Supportive writing reference section including review of sub-skills, model answers and useful language. — Teacher's book: Photocopiable activities for communicative practice in key skills areas. Photocopiable unit and progress tests. — Language maximiser. Grammar and vocabulary consolidation and extension. Extra skills practice to complement the coursebook.
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