Все книги издательства «Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)»
La vita senza me
Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)
Автор: Venturi Maria Издательство: Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup), 2011 |
PDF, 299 страниц, 8.97 МБ
«Chi è, da dove viene e da cosa è fuggita Sally, la bella ragazza che di notte lavora come guardarobiera all'Irish Coffee, un locale trendy alla periferia di Roma, e di giorno si «seppellisce» in uno sperduto monolocale poco distante? A sei anni dall'assunzione neppure i proprietari Anna e Alberto Vasile, i suoi soli amici, sono riusciti a penetrare il muro che Sally ha eretto tra sé, il passato e la vita stessa. Sarà Oliviero Belli, un ricco industriale della moda, attratto e incuriosito da lei, ad aprire la prima breccia: non è il principe azzurro che le dischiude la favola, ma un trentacinquenne divorziato da una donna distruttiva e alle prese con un figlio adolescente che lo respinge, lo detesta e lo provoca sino a rischiare la morte per overdose. Il drammatico segreto di Sally comincia a emergere lentamente, come in un thriller, via via che il rapporto con Oliviero si consolida diventando un amore appassionato e profondo. Discendendo nell'inferno di lui...»
27 августа 2013
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La pancia degli italiani
Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)
Автор: Severgnini Beppe Издательство: Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup), 2011 |
PDF, 212 страниц, 6.36 МБ
Perché la maggioranza degli italiani ha appoggiato e/o sopportato Silvio Berlusconi per tanti anni? Non ne vede gli appetiti, i limiti e i metodi? Risposta: li vede eccome. (Anche) per questo, spiegare il personaggio ai connazionali è una perdita di tempo. Ciascuno di noi ha un'idea, raffinata in anni di indulgenza o idiosincrasia, e non la cambierà. Ogni italiano si ritiene depositario dell'interpretazione autentica e discuterla è inutile. Utile è invece provare a spiegare Berlusconi ai posteri: un giorno si chiederanno cosa è successo in Italia. Nella pancia della nazione si muovono tanti elementi: umanità e opportunismo, cautela e astuzia, distrazione e confusione, fantasia e ottimismo. Chi sa interpretarli e utilizzarli può andare lontano. Anzi: c'è già andato. Questo libro è un viaggio. La guida è acuta e incisiva, generosa di notizie, dettagli e informazioni, pronta a far discutere destra e sinistra. Un Severgnini in gran forma, che non rinuncia alla consueta ironia su se stesso e gli altri, ma deciso a farci riflettere sulle nostre scelte e sul cammino che tracciamo per i nostri figli.
22 марта 2014
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Il cavaliere d'inverno
Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)
Автор: Simons Paullina Издательство: Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup), 2012 |
PDF, 700 страниц, 21.00 МБ
Leningrado, 1941. In una tranquilla sera d'estate Tatiana e Dasha, sorelle ma soprattutto grandi amiche, si stanno confidando i segreti del cuore, quando alla radio il generale Molotov annuncia che la Germania ha invaso la Russia. Uscita per fare scorta di cibo, Tatiana incontra Alexander, un giovane ufficiale dell'Armata Rossa che parla russo con un lieve accento. Tra loro scatta suvbito un'attrazione reciproca e irresistibile. Ma è un amore impossibile, che potrebbe distruggerli entrambi. Mentre un implacabile inverno e l'assedio nazista stringono la città in una morsa, riducendola allo stremo, Tatiana e Alexander trarranno la forza per affrontare mille avversità e sacrifici proprio dal legame segreto che li unisce.
12 апреля 2016
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Il grande Gatsby
Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)
Автор: Francis Scott Fitzgerald Издательство: Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup), 2011 |
PDF, 218 страниц, 6.54 МБ
Gatsby, giovane ambizioso, che ha saputo conquistare con tutti i mezzi prestigio, ricchezza e rispettabilità, vuol far rivivere l'amore fiorito un tempo tra lui e Daisy. Ma non solo non riuscirà a strappare a donna amata al suo facoltoso marito, pur mettendo in campo tutto il peso del suo fascino e del suo potere, ma finirà addirittura col diventarne vittima innocente. Gatsby è un personaggio circondato da un'aura di seduzione e di mistero, il cui arricchimento troppo veloce ricorda le parabole effimere dei giovani banchieri d'affari nella New York del terzo millennio. Le pagine di Fitzgerald, tese tra l'amore e l'odio nei confronti di quella società, ne descrivono i fasti e ne colgono i decadimento morale.
14 февраля 2013
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Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)
Автор: Dostoevskij Fedor Издательство: Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup), 2013 |
PDF, 800 страниц, 24.00 МБ
«Ne «L'idiota», per ammissione dello stesso Dostoevskij, c'è tutto quel che nel suo animo premeva. Sulla vita del grande romanziere russo si stanno addensando le ombre del dolore e della tragedia e il suo genio sta formando i panorami più vasti e terribili della sua opera. È al culmine del suo travaglio creativo. Scrive, nella storia delicata e drammatica del principe Myskin, un romanzo che si interroga sul senso della bellezza della natura umana, e sul tentativo di far vincere il bene sul sopruso e sul male. Le doti di finezza e di crudità psicologica, il senso dello smisurato mistero della libertà umana danno vita a una vicenda affascinante e avvincente.»
7 октрября 2016
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Alice nel paese delle meraviglie
Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)
Автор: Carroll Lewis Издательство: Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup), 2013 |
PDF, 261 страниц, 7.83 МБ
Come un'innocente gita al fiume può trasformarsi nella più inimmaginabile avventura della letteratura europea? Semplicemente inseguendo un coniglio bianco con un panciotto e un orologio da taschino. Comincia così, senza stupore, il viaggio di Alice nel paese delle meraviglie, uno strano mondo abitato da animali parlanti e stizzosi, sorridenti e sentenziosi. Ma la sua storia non è solo il capolavoro fiabesco che tutti hanno conosciuto, è anche una fitta trama di significati nascosti e palesi nonsensi, imbastita per scardinare le logiche anguste dei precetti morali. Il viaggio di Alice diventa così occasione, per adulti e bambini, di scoprire la luminosa mutevolezza di tutte le cose.
15 мая 2016
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L'infanzia di Gesu
Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)
Автор: Benedetto XVI Издательство: Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup), 2012 |
PDF, 176 страниц, 5.28 МБ
In questo volume, destinato a suscitare dibattito e a rilanciare la discussione teologica, l'Autore analizza i testi dei Vangeli e invita il lettore a porsi domande cruciali: È vero ciò che è stato detto? Riguarda proprio me? E, se mi riguarda, in che modo?. Sono le domande con le quali si apre il libro, che rimandano a quella di Pilato: Tu, da dove vieni?. La domanda che accompagna la storia dell'uomo di ogni generazione, la stessa che si fecero i sapienti d'oriente, i Magi filosofi e scrutatori di stelle, che tanta parte hanno nel rappresentare l'inquietudine del cuore umano in cerca di quella verità che sola conduce alla gioia profonda. Nei Vangeli dell'infanzia, Joseph Ratzinger-Benedetto XVI individua, descrivendola mirabilmente, la radice teologica della gioia e ci porta a scoprire come il Vangelo non è una storia del passato, ma appartiene al presente e all'uomo contemporaneo. E mentre l'Autore introduce il lettore alle pagine evangeliche dell'Annuncio a Maria, della Nascita o della visita dei Magi che contemplano il Bambino e sua madre, ecco che si arriva al presente: l'esegesi di quelle pagine porta all'oggi. Oggi ci troviamo con i Magi davanti al Bambino e a sua madre, oggi ci interroghiamo sul senso di quell'incontro e ci chiediamo come una donna possa dire di sì a Dio fidandosi totalmente di Lui. Nell'imminenza del Natale, questo libro è il racconto della gioia che, con la Natività, si rivela nella povertà di una grotta. È, per chi crede, uno stimolo a conoscere in profondità le ragioni della fede. Nello stesso tempo, Joseph Ratzinger-Benedetto XVI parla con amicizia a tutti coloro che, come i Magi, sono nell'inquietudine della ricerca e si domandano: Gesù da dove viene?.
12 марта 2015
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Jean-Michel Frank
Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)
Автор: Pierre-Emmanuel Martin-Vivier Издательство: Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup), 2008 |
PDF, 400 страниц, 12.00 МБ
Jean-Michel Frank was perhaps the most influential Parisian designer and decorator of the 1930s and 1940s, inspiring such varied talents as Andree Putman and Bonetti and Garouse. Frank established his reputation and signature look with the design of the Paris apartment of the Vicomte Charles de Noailles. The Noailles were leading progressives of their day and patrons of the major painters of Paris. Frank's style of understated luxury — vellum-sheathed walls, bleached leather, lacquer and shagreen — perfectly complemented the Picassos and Braques on the walls. Frank's blocky, rectangular club chairs and sofas have been endlessly copied and produced by many admirers. He is credited for the design of the modern Parsons table, a stark form that Frank embellished with the most luxurious finish. Admiringly described by the French le style Frank, his look continues to exert its influence through the powerful combination of the simplest forms and the most exquisite materials to produce objects that are truly noble and utterly modern.
15 апреля 2012
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The Hermitage: 250 Masterpieces
Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)
Автор: Mikhail Borisovich Piotrovsky Издательство: Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup), 2014 |
PDF, 288 страниц, 8.64 МБ
Highlights from the palatial Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, are beautifully reproduced in an accessible volume celebrating the museum's 250th anniversary. For 250 years, the State Hermitage Museum has been one of the world's most palatial and significant museums. The Hermitage collections were developed beginning in 1764 by Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia, and now encompass more than 3 million works of art and artifacts displayed within a spectacular architectural ensemble, the heart of which is the famed Winter Palace. Now, on this important anniversary, this stunning volume captures the masterpieces that make this world-famous institution a cultural destination and a global treasure. The Hermitage: 250 Masterpieces explores this sumptuous collection in the manner of a private tour, showcasing the museum's extraordinary and uniquely underpublished treasures: no other institution has thirty-six Rembrandts; works by Italian Renaissance artists including Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Titian; Spanish artists such as Vel+zquez, Ribera, and Murillo; Flemish baroque artists such as van Dyck, Rubens, and Jan Brueghel the Elder; impressionist and post-impressionist works by Renoir, Monet, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Cezanne, and Degas; and modern paintings by Matisse, Picasso, Malevich, and Kandinsky. Priceless antiquities, feats of mechanical engineering such as the famous Peacock Clock, and works of sculpture and decorative arts will also be shown. With lavish reproductions accompanied by texts by the museum's leading curators, this volume is sure be cherished by art lovers around the world.
15 июня 2016
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The Figure: Painting, Drawing and Sculpture
Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)
Автор: McCann Margaret Издательство: Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup), 2014 |
PDF, 240 страниц, 7.20 МБ
This book is a celebration of figurative art, essential to those interested in both traditional techniques and the latest developments in the art of the figure. An expansive survey of contemporary figurative art, The Figure showcases work by acclaimed artists including Jenny Saville, Eric Fischl, and Will Cotton alongside emerging talents. Artists' texts and essays by distinguished critics, writers, and thinkers chart the evolution of figurative techniques, from the atelier to the use of photography, Photoshop, and 3D-modeling programs. Centered on the renowned New York Academy of Art — where many of the featured artists are alumni or instructors — this collection reflects the institution's mission to instill the rigorous training of past generations within the lively dialogue of the present day. Championed by artists, scholars, and patrons of the arts, including Andy Warhol, since its founding in 1982, the Academy continues to serve as a creative and intellectual center at the vanguard of representational art. With a wealth of imagery displaying some of the finest examples of the genre in all mediums, this richly illustrated volume attests to the enduring appeal of the art of the human figure.
23 декабря 2016
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The Art of Discovery: Hollywood Stars Reveal Their Inspirations
Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)
Автор: Vespa Jeff Издательство: Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup), 2014 |
PDF, 224 страницы, 6.72 МБ
An exquisitely illustrated celebration of creativity, revealing key moments of artistic enlightenment. The Art of Discovery features one hundred intimate portraits of celebrities relating personal stories about their inspirations. The striking imagery shot by renowned photographer Jeff Vespa is accompanied by insightful messages designed by typographer and award-winning art director Nancy Rouemy. Ranging from anecdotal to poignant, the accounts are from luminaries such as Susan Sarandon, Adrien Brody, Naomi Watts, William H. Macy, Kristen Stewart, Emily Blunt, Ralph Fiennes, Kate Bosworth, Paul Giamatti, Danny Glover, Dakota Fanning, and Jake Gyllenhaal. A portion of the proceeds from the sales of The Art of Discovery will go to support the arts advocacy programs of The Creative Coalition, the premier nonprofit, nonpartisan social and public advocacy organization of the arts and entertainment community.
12 сентября 2019
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The Drawing Room: English Country House Decoration
Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)
Автор: Musson Jeremy Издательство: Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup), 2014 |
PDF, 272 страницы, 8.16 МБ
A highly detailed look at the most accomplished English country house interiors, exemplifying English decorating at its best. The English drawing room, a formal place within a house of status where family and honored guests could retire from the more public arena, is one of the most important rooms in an English country house, and thus great attention has been paid to preserving the decoration of this most elegant of spaces: the center of life in the English countryside and the epitome of English country house decoration. This book offers privileged access to fifty of the finest drawing rooms of country houses and historic townhouses — many still in private hands — including Althorp, Attingham, and Knepp Castle. Through these sumptuous rooms, readers experience a history of English decorating from the sixteenth century to the present day, including the work of design legends such as David Hicks, Nancy Lancaster, John Fowler, and David Mlinaric. Specially commissioned photographs capture the entirety of each room, as well as details of furniture, architectural elements, artwork, collections, and textiles, creating a visually seductive book that will inspire interior designers and homeowners interested in the widely popular classic English look.
14 апреля 2018
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Snowdon: A Life in View
Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)
Автор: Anthony Armstrong Jones Издательство: Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup), 2014 |
PDF, 376 страниц, 11.28 МБ
A personal and complete retrospective by one of the most important twentieth-century photographers. Elegantly curated by the legendary photographer and his youngest daughter Frances von Hofmannsthal, Snowdon looks back at an exceptional life and features a selection of 175 full-color and black-and-white stylish fashion photographs and iconic portraits taken throughout his expansive and influential career. Having started photographing at a young age, Snowdon focused primarily on theater, fashion, and society photography before becoming the official Royal photographer and starting a six-decade working relationship with Vogue. In 1960, he married Princess Margaret, the sister of Queen Elizabeth II, and in 1961 he began his illustrious career with The Sunday Times magazine. Known for his expressive and candid portraits, using both subtle humor and quiet sincerity, Snowdon's work evokes a sense of familiarity met with extreme beauty. His successes have branched equally from the worlds of high fashion and celebrity to the British Royal family, making his audience vast and beloved. The subjects featured include Cecil Beaton, Charlie Chaplin, David Bowie, Marlene Dietrich, Bridgette Riley, David Hockney, Serge Gainsbourg, Yves Saint Laurent, and Jack Nicholson, among others. Archive material includes previously unpublished polaroids, private scrapbooks, and letters.
21 июля 2015
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Palm Angels
Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)
Автор: Ragazz Francesco Издательство: Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup), 2014 |
PDF, 224 страницы, 6.72 МБ
Featuring large-format photographs of skaters in Venice Beach and Manhattan Beach, Palm Angels is the definitive book on the L.A. skateboarding scene, capturing the style and street culture of the world's most elite communities of skaters. Photographed by Francesco Ragazzi, the Italian art director of Moncler, Palm Angels features a special focus on the look and fashions of skate culture. While it emphasizes dramatic movement through stunning images taken in various Los Angeles neighborhoods, it is less focused on describing tricks as it is about conveying the sensation of men and women engaged in an epic, all-consuming activity. Through art photography, this book hopes to do for skating what Bruce Weber and others did for surf culture, elevating it from what once was an exclusive and localized American pastime to a far-reaching cultural phenomenon. In the spirit of the photography taken of the legendary Z-boys of Dogtown, Ragazzi provides readers with a firsthand glimpse into skateboarding in its modern form, still very much infused with effortless style. Palm Angels includes an introduction by Pharrell Williams (known to the skate community as Skateboard P), who has been instrumental in popularizing the skate look and has propelled it all the way to the high streets of fashion capitals like Paris, New York, and Tokyo.
12 сентября 2019
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Designing Paradises
Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)
Автор: Couturier Robert Издательство: Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup), 2004 |
PDF, 224 страницы, 6.72 МБ
A passion for luxury and beauty propels the multifaceted work of acclaimed international architect and interior designer Robert Couturier. Robert Couturier's aesthetic is a dialogue between Old World elegance and contemporary design. His masterful approach effortlessly brings eras together, for example a Louis XVI commode with a 1960s lamp. Couturier's name has become synonymous with continental and international style, and he is known for composing adventurous rooms that have a witty flair. All his interiors extol the importance of how a home should stimulate the five senses, from the tactile feel of upholstery to the visual presentation of objects that leads a person through a space. The book opens with a tour of Couturier's country retreat in bucolic Kent, Connecticut. Composed of neoclassical-style pavilions, early American guesthouses, and beautiful gardens, the house features imaginative rooms that are filled with his collections of European art, furniture, and decorative objects. A selection of the designer's other projects — from smart contemporary apartments to romantic Mexican villas to a stately English manor — provides further inspiration.
08 марта 2009
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Miles of MAC
Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)
Автор: Aldridge Miles Издательство: Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup), 2014 |
PDF, 240 страниц, 7.20 МБ
M-A-C Cosmetics, a pioneer in professional makeup, presents one hundred looks that epitomize the span of their thirty years as the leaders in high-fashion makeup. Since its founding in 1984 by the Canadians Frank Toskan and Frank Angelo, M-A-C Cosmetics has revolutionized the role of makeup and become a leader of avant-garde and edgy looks both on and off the runway. Their motto — all ages, all races, all sexes — and unique advertising campaigns featuring RuPaul, Catherine Deneuve, Lady Gaga, and even Hello Kitty have helped to inspire experimentation and fearlessness with makeup in the modern woman (and man, too). Blending fashion, beauty, and culture with an unapologetic approach to individuality and self-expression, M-A-C has reached an unprecedented level of worldwide appeal and accessibility. As the ultimate color authority with an unrivaled spectrum of shades, M-A-C allows for full creative expression through makeup without judgement. With striking images of some of the best and most inspiring M-A-C looks to date, this stunning book celebrates M-A-C with over 200 color photographs and gives readers the opportunity to delve into the colorful and surreal world that makes M-A-C one of the most highly sought-after cosmetics brands in the world.
23 декабря 2016
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Neiman Marcus Cooks: Recipes for Beloved Classics
Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)
Автор: Garvin Kevin Издательство: Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup), 2014 |
DjVu, 304 страницы, 12.16 МБ
A completely revised edition of a favorite cookbook, featuring the refined, all-American comfort food for which the stores are legendary. Neiman Marcus has for more than a century been synonymous with luxury and good taste. Today it is as renowned for its iconic food as for its high style. This completely updated edition of the classic Neiman Marcus cookbook brings together recipes for all of its timeless favorites — from the Popovers with Strawberry Butter and the Chicken Salad to the famous Chocolate Chip Cookies. These are crowd-pleasers with a nostalgic aura that makes them fit in as easily at a dinner party as at a family gathering. Then there are more contemporary recipes to fit a healthier lifestyle, such as Avocado, Grapefruit, and Quinoa Salad; Roasted Salmon with Brussels Sprouts and Farro; and Chicken Paillard with Couscous and Tomato Basil Sauce. Based upon the beloved Neiman Marcus restaurants across the country — from the Zodiac in Dallas and the Rotunda in San Francisco to the Mariposa in Coral Gables — this collection offers a well-rounded repertoire of tried-and-true recipes that embody classic American style.
03 августа 2016
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Louis Vuitton Fashion Photography
Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)
Автор: Cotton Charlotte Издательство: Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup), 2014 |
DjVu, 352 страницы, 14.08 МБ
A landmark fashion photography monograph chronicling the most famous and sought-after brand in the world. Since the 1920s, the images of Louis Vuitton — both advertising and editorial — have drawn the world into its ethereal, luxurious identity and have changed the way we see fashion, travel, art, and culture. These captivating touchstones of fashion photography have served as a glamorous, romantic porthole to one of the world's most prestigious luxury brands. Louis Vuitton Fashion Photography is an unprecedented visual history of the company, seen through its presence in photographs. This exceptional album features over two hundred images by the most important modern and contemporary photographers, including David Bailey, Henry Clarke, Patrick Demarchelier, Karl Lagerfeld, Annie Leibovitz, Helmut Newton, David Sims, Bert Stern, Juergen Teller, Mario Testino, and Bruce Weber. This book features images from iconic Vuitton advertising campaigns from the 20s through to the present, with magazine editorials from publications including Vogue, L'Officiel, Numero, V, Harper's Bazaar, Interview, W, Egoiste, Love, and Pop. This elegantly designed mix creates a unique and exciting expression of the brand and its interpretation by top stylists and fashion editors. Chronicling the style, history, and exquisite fashion through lavish, evocative photography, this volume is an absolute essential for lovers of fashion, art, and photography.
25 апреля 2018
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Heart and Home: Rooms That Tell Stories
Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)
Автор: O'Keeffe Linda Издательство: Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup), 2014 |
PDF, 240 страниц, 7.20 МБ
Innovative tastemakers from the worlds of interior design, architecture, fashion, and art open their doors to show us how to fill our homes with personal flair. Heart and Home: Rooms That Tell Stories offers a panorama of the varieties of forward-looking interior design today — from an eclectic, book-filled New York loft in a 1920s factory building to an updated and art-filled Old Hollywood estate in Beverly Hills to a supremely serene haveli in Udaipur, India, and more — but all imbued with character, originality, and personal meaning for their creative and visionary inhabitants, providing inspiration to us all. Author Linda O'Keeffe gives an intimate tour of the domiciles of some of the most celebrated and innovative figures in the worlds of interior design, architecture, fashion, and art. Here, home is defined as an emotionally arresting space that nurtures and inspires creative forces such as interior designer Kelly Wearstler; architects Calvin Tsao and Zack McKown; fashion designer Wolfgang Joop; John Jay, creative director of Wieden + Kennedy; tattoo artist, painter, and sculptor Scott Campbell; antiques dealer Ray Azoulay; glassware designer Deborah Ehrlich and wood sculptor Christopher Kurtz; architect and interior designer Lee Ledbetter; and furniture and interior designers Gene Meyer and Frank de Biasi, among others.
23 декабря 2016
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