New Cutting Edge combines the comprehensive syllabus and reliable teaching resources that have made the course so popular with brand-new features, making it even fresher and easier to use. New Cutting Edge Upper Intermediate Workbook consolidates and extends the language taught in the Students' Book. — Grammar exercises give students useful practice and build confidence. — Vocabulary boosters and Wordspots build on the lexical areas covered in the Students' Book. — Listen and read and Improve your writing sections develop skills. — Pronunciation sections focus on the sounds and the features of natural speech. The Workbook is accompanied by Students' Audio Cassettes / CDs. New Cutting Edge Upper Intermediate takes students from B2 to C1 level of the Common European Framework. New Cutting Edge provides a complete teaching package: Students' Book Class Audio Cassettes / CDs Workbook (with and without key editions) Students' Audio Cassette / CD Teacher's Resource Book Tests Videos.
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