Espanol en Marcha 4 Student Book+CD
Автор: Francisca Castro Издательство: SGEL, 2009 |
DOC, 168 страниц, 1.00 МБ
A Spanish language course at four levels according to the Common European Framework: A1, A2, B1 y B2. Suitable for young and adult Spanish as a foreign language students, it consists of a student book, an exercises book, and a tutor's manual.
08 марта 2012
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Companeros 2 Exercises Book
Автор: Ignacio Rodero Diez Издательство: SGEL, 2007 |
PDF, 64 страницы, 1.92 МБ
Addressing 11 and 12 year-old students, this title corresponds to the A1 to B2 levels of the Common European Framework of the Languages. Each level is divided in 9 units. Each of them works on language samples and activities developed following the communicative scope adapted to the necessities and learning styles of the students.
10 октрября 2010
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Companeros 2 Student Book + CD (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Ignacio Rodero Diez Издательство: SGEL, 2007 |
PDF, 136 страниц, 4.08 МБ
Addressing 11 and 12 year-old students, this title corresponds to the A1 to B2 levels of the Common European Framework of the Languages. Each level is divided in 9 units. Each of them works on language samples and activities developed following the communicative scope adapted to the necessities and learning styles of the students.
15 октрября 2010
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Companeros 1 Student Book +CD (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Ignacio Rodero Diez Издательство: SGEL, 2008 |
PDF, 96 страниц, 2.88 МБ
Addressing 11 and 12 year-old students, this title corresponds to the A1 to B2 levels of the Common European Framework of the Languages. Each level is divided in 9 units. Each of them works on language samples and activities developed following the communicative scope adapted to the necessities and learning styles of the students.
15 апреля 2012
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Companeros 4 Cuaderno de ejercicios
Автор: Francisca Castro Издательство: SGEL, 2010 |
PDF, 72 страницы, 2.16 МБ
Method of Spanish as a Foreign Language addressed to 11 and 12 year-old students, that corresponds to the A1 to B2 levels of the Common European Framework of the Languages. Each level is divided in 9 units. Each of them works on language samples and activities developed following the communicative scope adapted to the necessities and learning styles of the students. Each unit includes 8 pages: 2 dedicated to vocabulary where the lexicon is presented; 2 to grammar that introduce one or two grammatical structures in sentences or short texts; 2 to communication with contextualized conversational models; 1 to skills with varied activities; 1 to reflection exercise; and 1 to self assessment. There is a PROJECT every three units, essential to do a review and to integrate what has been learnt in the previous lessons. It goes together with a list of descriptors extracted from the Portfolio in order to help teachers and students to follow and self evaluate the learning process. At the end of the book there is a grammatical summary and a section with conjugated verbs. The Student's book comes with a CD that includes the activities from the student's book and the workbook. For each of the four levels there are four components: Student Book (including audio CD), Exercises book (No CD), Tutor/resources book, digital whiteboard disc (pizarra digital).
20 декабря 2012
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Companeros 4 Libro del Alumno +CD (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Francisca Castro Издательство: SGEL, 2010 |
PDF, 150 страниц, 4.50 МБ
Method of Spanish as a Foreign Language addressed to 11 and 12 year-old students, that corresponds to the A1 to B2 levels of the Common European Framework of the Languages. Each level is divided in 9 units. Each of them works on language samples and activities developed following the communicative scope adapted to the necessities and learning styles of the students. Each unit includes 8 pages: 2 dedicated to vocabulary where the lexicon is presented; 2 to grammar that introduce one or two grammatical structures in sentences or short texts; 2 to communication with contextualized conversational models; 1 to skills with varied activities; 1 to reflection exercise; and 1 to self assessment. There is a PROJECT every three units, essential to do a review and to integrate what has been learnt in the previous lessons. It goes together with a list of descriptors extracted from the Portfolio in order to help teachers and students to follow and self evaluate the learning process. At the end of the book there is a grammatical summary and a section with conjugated verbs. The Student's book comes with a CD that includes the activities from the student's book and the workbook. For each of the four levels there are four components: Student Book (including audio CD), Exercises book (No CD), Tutor/resources book, digital whiteboard disc (pizarra digital).
14 августа 2012
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Автор: Reyes Roldan Melgosa Издательство: SGEL, 2010 |
PDF, 110 страниц, 3.30 МБ
Activities book to practice oral expression and interaction in the ELE classroom. 34 activities, role plays, drama works and actual situations divided into 8 content blocks (how to 'ask for and give information' or 'structure a speech') For levels B1, B2 and C1 — many can be used on different levels.
16 марта 2013
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Coleccion Andar: Es: Colon y el Nuevo Mundo (+ DVD)
Издательство: SGEL, 2010 |
PDF, 3.36 МБ
Colón y el Nuevo Mundo perterence a la colección de lecturas que nace a partir de trabajos originales de National Geographic. Cristóbal Colón vivió en Europa en el SXV. Quería encontrar una nueva ruta marítima para viajar desde Europa a Asia. Por eso emprendió un largo viaje por mar, sin saber lo que iba a encontrar. ¿Qué le pasó a Colón? ¿Qué encontró? Este título se compone de: -Libro ilustrado -Con fotografías de National Geographic — Actividades de comprensión y un vocabulario. — Un DVD con: a) Un vídeo documental de National Greographic Media, con subtítulos en español. b) El audio con el texto íntegro del libro.
7 декабря 2012
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Espana Contemporanea
Автор: Cristina Lopez Moreno Издательство: SGEL, 2011 |
PDF, 257 страниц, 7.71 МБ
17 unidades que presentan textos sobre la historia, la economia; la sociedad de los ultimos 30 anos de nuestro pais. Secciones de preguntas para trabajar la comprension del texto; el debate en clase. Propuesta de ampliacion e investigacion sobre el tema a traves de numerosas paginas web que incluyen material audiovisual. Se completa con la propuesta de dos comentarios de texto que completan la informacion de la unidad. Espana contemporanea acerca al alumno documentos historicos; material de prensa. This work is a reference book for foreign students of advanced level which are interested in contemporary Spain. It gives an overview of the social, economic and historical aspects of present Spain. There is a wide variety of activities and many references to Internet.
10 октрября 2014
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Suegra De Julia: La Nivel B1
Автор: Eulalia Sole Издательство: SGEL, 2009 |
PDF, 72 страницы, 2.16 МБ
La suegra de Julia es una novela didáctica destinada a jóvenes y adultos que hayan alcanzado el nivel B1 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia. Se trata de una obra original surgida de la colaboración entre una novelista y una profesora de español. La novela tiene 4 capítulos. Después de cada capítulo hay actividades para trabajar la comprensión lectora. Incluye un solucionario con todas las respuestas a las actividades propuestas.
20 декабря 2011
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Literatura Hispanica de Facil Lectura — La Celestina (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Rojas Fernando De Издательство: SGEL, 2007 |
PDF, 128 страниц, 3.84 МБ
«This book is included in the collection of classic texts adapted by Grupo de Investigacion UAM-Facil Lectura (easy-reading), of the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. The adaptation of the texts is adjusted to the capacities of reading comprehension pointed out by the Common European Framework of Reference and the Curriculum Guidelines for teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language from the Cervantes Institute. La Celestina, as it happens with the rest of the manuals from this collection, presents a brief introduction that explains its characteristics and peculiarities. This book offers, in its first pages, the author's introduction and a presentation of the original work. It is followed by an adapted and illustrated text, and some didactic activities to work on the reading comprehension skills. At the end of the book, it has published a key to the activities proposed and a multilingual glossary (English, French, German, Italian and Portuguese) with some relevant vocabulary. Its aim is to offer help to the learner. «La Celestina» includes an Audio CD with the recordings of this adapted text, and its degree of difficulty corresponds to the intermediate level (with 2.0 00 different lexical words), and to the B1 level from the Common European Framework of Reference for languages.»
20 сентября 2012
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La banda de París
Автор: Garcia Concha Moreno Издательство: SGEL, 2001 |
PDF, 88 страниц, 2.64 МБ
Estas novelas están pensadas para que empecéis a leer en español desde el primer momento de vuestro contacto con este idioma. Tanto los autores como yo queremos que paséis un buen rato leyendo, que ampliéis vuestros conocimientos culturales y lingüísticos y, lo más importante, que estas lecturas os animen a buscar otras para seguir aprendiendo y disfrutando.
17 апреля 2009
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