Thomas Lawrence: Regency Brilliance and Power
Thomas Lawrence: Regency Brilliance and Power
Yale University Press
Автор: Albinson Cassandra Издательство: Yale University Press, 2010 |
PDF, 280 страниц, 8.40 МБ
Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830) was the pre-eminent portraitist of the Regency period, depicting monarchs, political leaders, aristocratic families, society beauties and actresses with bravura flair. This important book explores Lawrence's political friendships and allegiances along with his exceptional role as witness to significant historical events and contrasts these with his remarkable ability to depict the charm and innocence of childhood. Elected President of the Royal Academy in 1820, Lawrence was instrumental in establishing the status of the artist in nineteenth-century Britain.
14 июля 2011
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